The age of consent
The age of consent: dream or nightmare
This thirty minute English-language radio documentary about the Age of Consent in The Netherlands was broadcasted world wide by Radio Netherlands on 12-01-1994 and 14-01-1994, and rebroadcasted on 30-03-1994. The documentary was created in 1993.
00:00 - 00:54 Some quotes from the show
00:55 - 01:44 Announcement
01:45 - 02:27 (song; Ben - Michael Jackson)
02:28 - 03:29 Michael Jackson, Age of Consent in NL
03:30 - 03:37 First question for Brongersma
03:38 - 06:12 Conversation with Brongersma (1)
06:13 - 06:55 (song; Think - Aretha Franklin)
06:56 - 07:05 Introduction of Van Outsem
07:06 - 09:27 Conversation with Van Outsem (2)
09:28 - 09:55 Introduction of Van Dantzig
09:56 - 13:59 Conversation with Van Dantzig (3)
14:00 - 14:47 (song; Love Hurts - Nazareth)
14:48 - 15:12 Introduction of Sandfort
15:13 - 18:18 Conversation with Sandfort (4)
18:19 - 18:45 Introduction of Sax
18:46 - 22:33 Conversation with Sax (5)
22:34 - 22:52 (song; Young Girl - Gary Puckett)
22:53 - 23:07 Introduction of "Gonnie"
23:08 - 26:43 Conversation with "Gonnie" (6)
26:44 - 27:20 (song; Luka - Suzanne Vega)
27:21 - 27:41 Another question for Brongersma
27:42 - 29:26 Conversation with Brongersma (1)
29:27 - 30:01 (song; Young Lover - Gino Vannelli)
30:02 - 30:19 Outro with credits
30:20 - 31:18 (song; idem)
(1) Dr. Edward Brongersma (August 31, 1911 - April 22, 1998); lawyer, former Dutch PvdA senator (1946-1950 and 1963-1977), author of "Jongensliefde; Seks en erotiek tussen jongens en mannen" deel 1 en 2, SUA 1993
(2) Ron van Outsem; youth worker, author of "Seksueel Misbruik Van Jongens", 1992, ISBN: 9062222153
(3) Rudi van Dantzig; dancer/choreographer, author of "Voor een verloren soldaat", de Arbeiderspers 1986, ISBN 9029513713 (For a Lost Soldier, <a href="">IMDB</a>, The story of a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child. Set in the Netherlands near the end of WWII)
(4) Dr. Theo Sandfort; sexologist (Utrecht University), author of "Seksuele ervaringen van kinderen; Betekenis en effect voor later", Van Loghum Slaterus 1989
(5) Marjan Sax; author of "Op een oude fiets moet je het leren: Erotische en seksuele relaties tussen vrouwen en jonge meisjes en jongens", Schorerstichting, Amsterdam, 1992
(6) "Gonnie"; anonymous mother of an 'abused' girl
Direct download (13MB): <a href=" Age of Consent, Radio Netherlands 1993.mp3">available here</a> <<-- That's an off-site link! | Het betreft een externe link!