Volker Beck loses 'pedophilia'-lawsuit
In Germany, the gay Greens politician Volker Beck lost a legal dispute with the SPIEGEL-Online website before the Federal Court of Justice in the last instance on Thursday. The former member of the parliament, Volker Beck, had written a text for the pro-"pedophile" book "The Pedosexual Complex", published in 1988, in which he passionately advocated for the decriminalization of the non-violent sexuality of "children" and adults. When the social wind later changed, Volker Beck systematically gave the impression for years that the text had appeared against his will and had been changed by the editor so that it was no longer his text. For a long time people did not know what Volker Beck really wrote. But then the (extremely pedophobic) magazine SPIEGEL found the original manuscript of the article from the 1980is and was able to show that every single sentence (!) of the article came from Volker Beck himself. Only the headline and a subheading had been changed by the publisher it seems for better readability, but without new thoughts having been added. SPIEGEL-Online had published Volker Beck's article, which he wanted to ban so that the quotes cannot be used directly against him. Volker Beck also published the article on his website, but with a distancing on each page. In this case, the Federal Court of Justice considered SPIEGEL's freedom of the press to be more important than the author's copyright.
www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/volker-beck-unterliegt-spiegel-online-pressefreiheit-geht-vor-16749199.html [Volker Beck unterliegt "Spiegel Online"; Frankfurter Allgemeine; 30 April 2020]
source: 'Germany: Volker Beck loses 'pedophilia'-lawsuit' by 'Filip30'; www.boychat.org/messages/1542067.htm; BoyChat; 4 May 2020