No jail for politician
U.S. Representative Donald Lukens pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge following revelations of his involvement with a teen-aged girl. TV station WSYX secretly recorded the conversation when the girl's mother asked the Ohio congressman why he was "messin' around" with her daughter. The station also quoted the daughter as saying she had sex with the congressman when she was 13 in 1985 and again when she was 16. Talking to Lukens in a fast food restaurant, Anna Coffman told him she "couldn't understand a man in your position, you know, why you're messin' around with these teenagers. "Well, first of all," Lukens replied, "I didn't really know she was a teenager." At the ens of the conversation, Lukens apparently offered to find Coffman a government job. "Let me go back and see what there is part-time... I don't know what, uh, the government has, but I can check and find out. And, uh, I'll give you a ring later today." Lukens said. The FBI reported it found evidence Lukens tried to bribe Coffman.
source: Article 'No Jail for Politician' by Chris Farrell; NAMBLA Bulletin, vol. 10, n. 3; April 1989