2003 english
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- Judging Michael Jackson and ourselves - Text by Cal Thomas (www.townhall.com, 25 November 2003)
- Attacker struck when guard was distracted - Text by Thomas Farragher & Sean P. Murphy (Boston Globe, 25 August 2003)
- Former youth supervisor gets life sentence for sucking boys' toes - (sfgate.com, 11 July 2003)
- Pedophilia is illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness - Text by Richard Stallman (www.stallman.org, 28 June 2003)
- Psychiatric association debates reclassifying pedophilia - Text by Lawrence Morahan (Cybercast News Service, 11 June 2003)
- Child pornography online: myth, fact, and social control - Book by Philip Jenkins - Book review by Robert Bauserman (Journal of Sex Research, May 2003)
- NAMBLA's meaning today - Why be a part of NAMBLA? - Text by David Miller (Nambla Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2003)