National Geographic photos not child porn, court rules
The state's highest court has tossed out a child pornography case against a convicted child rapist who had photocopies of pictures of naked children from a National Geographic magazine, a sociology textbook, and a naturist catalogue in his state prison cell. The state Supreme Judicial Court said that the photos allegedly kept by sex offender John D. Rex did not constitute a "lewd exhibition" so they weren't covered under the state's law banning child pornography. The court noted previous decisions that had found that "nudity alone is not enough to render a photograph lewd."
source: Article 'National Geographic photos not child porn, court rules' by Martin Finucane & John R. Ellement; 07/09/state-high-court-national-geographic-picture-not-child- pornography/61Uuq8pS3u0vXW5bY30ZXK/story.html; Metro - The Boston Globe; 9 July 2014