Holder urges tech companies to leave device backdoors open for police

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Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said on Tuesday that new forms of encryption capable of locking law enforcement officials out of popular electronic devices imperil investigations of kidnappers and sexual predators, putting children at increased risk.

"It is fully possible to permit law enforcement to do its job while still adequately protecting personal privacy," Holder said at a conference on child sexual abuse, according to a text of his prepared remarks. "When a child is in danger, law enforcement needs to be able to take every legally available step to quickly find and protect the child and to stop those that abuse children. It is worrisome to see companies thwarting our ability to do so."

source: Article 'Holder urges tech companies to leave device backdoors open for police' by Craig Timberg; www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ the-switch/wp/2014/09/30/holder-urges- tech-companies-to-leave-device- backdoors-open-for-police/; The Washington Post; 30 September 2014