Interrogating the essential: moral baselines on adult-child sex
Philip: There was a radio discussion with an American sex abuse industry commentator Michelle Elliott and there was a ... BBC journalist and she was going on about children's rights.... So I said, fuck this, I'm going to phone up and explain that as a child I was quite happy to have sex and I actively sought sex!... I got through and I explained to the switchboard and I got on and said my bit in ten seconds, and Michelle Elliott immediately cut in saying, kill the caller, and went on to say this is a perfect example (you can't speak after they've cut you off) of how a child has grown up to believe that what he was doing was his own free will but really he was being manipulated by adults. And I couldn't say a word. Nobody could hear me nos. I was pissed off!
source: From the article 'Interrogating the Essential: Moral Baselines on Adult-Child Sex' by Richard Yuill (independent researcher); Thymos, Journal of Boyhood Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2; Special Issue: Boys' Sexuality and Age of Consent; Fall 2010