Jimmy Savile: Labour faces embarrassment over former child sex claims
But at the time [Jimmy] Savile was at the height of his fame, Miss Harman was calling for the relaxation of the law on child pornography. She was a leading light in the pressure group now known as Liberty, which advocated the lowering of the age of consent to 14. The organisation, then run by the Health Secretary under Tony Blair, Patricia Hewitt, even counted among its affiliates a number of extreme pro-paedophilia groups whose leaders were later jailed. [...]
Miss Harman left NCCL in 1982 when she was elected MP for Camberwell and Peckham, by which time several members of PIE had been jailed for conspiracy to corrupt public morals.
source: Article 'Jimmy Savile: Labour faces embarrassment over former child sex claims' by Martin Beckford; www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9614516/Jimmy-Savile-Labour-faces-embarrassment-over-former-child-sex-claims.html; Telegraph; 17 October 2012