'Death sentence' for online luring
Sitting in a claustrophobic jail room 900 miles from home, Windsor's Alan Sauve pulled off his glasses, buried his head in his hands and sobbed at the thought of what is ahead. After he was caught soliciting sex online from a 14-year-old girl in Virginia, the state sentenced him to 110 years in prison. Virginia abolished parole in 1994. That means the 48-year-old man - who tried to have sex with a girl not much older than his youngest daughter - will die in prison. He's still breathing, but he knows his life is over. "No physical, visual or verbal contact and I get the death penalty?" Sauve said through thick safety glass at the Central Regional Virginia Jail. "That's what I call it, 110 years is a death penalty." [...] If he'd been arrested in Windsor, it's possible he could be a free man right now. In Virginia, 110 years was the minimum.
source: Article < "Death sentence" for online luring >; blogs.windsorstar.com/2012/04/14/story/; Windsor Star; 14 April 2012