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Paedophilia - What it means to the child - by Dr. Frits Bernard

The way it is in Morocco - by Steven Wood

The battle line - Dr. Densen-Gerber as witch of the week

Jerome's diary - by Dr. Edward Brongersma

and more

Magazine as pdf-file: PAN-03

source: PAN, no. 3; Magazine published by PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange); November 1979


PIE | PAN | Frits Bernard | Judy Densen | Edward Brongersma | Morocco | Marokko | Alan Edward | Steven Wood | Paul Richards | Jean Loup | Edgar Quann | Abdul Haq Mohammad | National Front | Colin London | Harold Nash | Meryl Friedman | Alan Bell | Herbert Freudenberger | APA | Tom O'Carroll | Terry Munyard | Christian Elliott | Alfred Kinsey | Wardell Pomeroy | Clyde Martin | Wilhelm Stekel | Sexual contact man with minor | Seksueel contact man met minderjarige | F.J. Tolsma | Robert Relf | Androcur | Parker Rossman | Theo Sandfort | Leonid Kameneff | Kinsey Institute | Mary Whitehouse | Stephen F. Hutchinson | Robin Lloyd | Sigmund Freud | Malcolm Coppleson | Ed Koch | John Malik | Robert Abrams | Lindy Burton