Elvis Presley and his 'Cilla'
When Elvis was stationed in Germany, he met a handsome, small, 14-year-old girl who was the daughter of an American officer. 'Cilla', like he called her, was feminine, unspoiled and remarkably mature for her age; she was cut out for the pedestal on which Elvis liked to put his beloved women. He persuaded her father to permit her to live at Graceland [...]. According to Elvis' secretary, he started to sleep with the 15-year-old girl at once. Years later, Priscilla would allude discretely to this in an interview [...].
[Some years later, in 1967, Elvis married Priscilla Beaulieu.]
source: Irving Wallace, Amy Wallace, David Wallechinsky, Sylvia Wallace; 'Het Liefdeleven van Beroemde en Beruchte Mensen' (translation Jan Koesen, original title 'The Intimate Sex Lives Of Famous People'); Editor Luitingh B.V. Laren 1981