The war on toddlerism
Nothing emphasizes the decline of America into an authoritarian police state more than the treatment of children as possible enemies, deviants or criminals. A few cases, involving very young children, have caught our attention this month that indicate in the current climate any sniff of power is corrupting absolutely those who believe they have it.
The AP reported today that a five year old boy has been accused of sexually harassing a kindergarten classmate: Washington County school officials told Charles Vallance that his son pinched a girl's buttocks earlier this month in a hallway at Lincolnshire Elementary School. The school says that meets the state's definition of sexual harassment. The father of the child insists that his son knows nothing about sex and was just playing. Nevertheless the "offence" will remain on the child's file. This is not an isolated case. The same report from the AP says that in Marlyland alone, where this incident took place, 28 kindergarten students were suspended for sex offenses in the last school year - 15 of those suspensions for sexual harassment. [...]
Furthermore, the double standards on display here are astounding given that kindergarten children are now being taught sex education in some schools. Some even go as far as to have "diversity" programs whereby kids as young as four and five are taught about gay sex. One Father in Lexington was jailed for opposing this, as if he was some kind of evil person for not wanting his child, a baby barely out of nappies, to be taught anything about sex, especially gay sex.
source: Article 'The War On Toddlerism - Treating children as young as four as sexual deviants, criminals and subversives emphasizes slip towards the police state' by Steve Watson;; 21 December 2006