The tetchy teenage tapes of Felix Kubin 1981-85

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"In the beginning of the 80's a vivid scene of children bands came to existence in the Hamburg suburb Bergedorf. The names of the groups were such as: Rekronstruirtes Relativpronomen, Architektonisch Sehenswertes Bauwerk, Universalanschluss and Die Egozentrischen 2. Behind the two latter ones the nowadays nearly famous sci-fi pop impresario Felix Kubin, his brother Max and a friend called Stefan Mohr were agitating. Zick-Zack boss Alfred Hilsberg supported them, organising gigs in clubs and avant-garde furniture galleries like Markthalle and Moebel Perdú. Some highlights of their work are now released by a-musik and skipp with different track selections on lp and cd." (label info)

source: CD 'The Tetchy Teenage Tapes of Felix Kubin 1981-85' by Felix Kubin;; CD from: 2002