Parameters of sexual contact of boys with women
[Abstract:] The incidence of sexual contact with boys by women was found more prevalent than had been contended in the clinical literature. Male penitentiary inmates reported higher heterosexual contact as children than did college men. The effects upon the boy and his later adult sex life were generally reported as not traumatic, although coercion by the woman tended to be associated with a bad feeling about the experience at the time and a negative effect upon adult sex life. The majority of women were friends, neighbors, baby sitters, and strangers to the boy. Intercourse and genital touching were the predominant forms of sexual activity. Prison women who reported having such contact were significantly higher than the prison women who did not report contact on the Mini-Mult Schizophrenia and Hypomania scales and significantly lower on the Lie scale. Educational levels of the men and their parents were inversely associated with history of sexual contact.
source: Article 'Parameters of Sexual Contact of Boys with Women' by Sylvia Robbins Condy (Ph.D.), Donald I. Templer (Ph.D.), Ric Brown (Ed.D.) & Lelia Veaco (Ed.D.);; Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol 16, No. 5; 1987