Pornhub suspends over 10 million videos to eradicate illegal content
Pornhub is one of the largest adult pornographic content providers online, accounting for at least 115 million visits per day. However, the platform, owned by MindGeek, was rocked to its core on Sunday night when a New York Times report claimed that Pornhub was allowing videos relating to sexual abuse and minors to be uploaded by its community. [...]
As a result, Visa has launched an ongoing investigation into these claims and has temporarily suspended payment services. Mastercard, too, terminated the use of its cards on Pornhub after verifying through an independent investigation that illegal content was being hosted on the pornographic content platform. [...]
An investigation by Motherboard on Monday found that millions of videos have, so far, been suspended. As noted by the publication, Pornhub once hosted 13.5 million videos according to the platform's search bar. As of Monday, this figure plummeted to 4.7 million videos. At the time of writing, this figure is now only 2.9 million, which at the current time, means 10.6 million videos have been suspended.
source: Article 'Pornhub suspends over 10 million videos to eradicate illegal content' by Charlie Osborne;; ZDNet; 15 December 2020