Magic age
It seems interesting that this psychologist [Sherryll Kerns Krazier] feels that a child of age two can be responsible to say 'yes' or 'no', and can be trained to discriminate between wanted and unwanted approaches from adults, and rely on 'their own instincts and the training' she advocates. This seems to be quite contrary to those who maintain that a) a child cannot be responsible in law e.g. under the age of 10, and b) that the age of consent is at least 13 or 14 almost everywhere in the world as children under this 'magic age' cannot give informed consent according to many. [...] (Reference: 'The Times', date unknown; referring to 'The Safe Child' by Sherryll Kerns Krazier, published by Futura (U.K.) at £ 1.95)
source: B.L.W. 2 (Boy Love World 2); 1986