Dutch court says pedophilia advocacy group Martijn can continue
[Marthijn] Uittenbogaard [was the last leader of Martijn], 40, sees this as a victory for freedom of expression. He thinks society can be very overprotective. "A child can see a lot of violence on television, on every cartoon there's violence, on movies people get killed," he explains, "But when Janet Jackson's breast is shown at the Super Bowl people say: 'Oh children are watching this.' Nakedness and everything concerning sexuality is a taboo and violence is the norm. And I think that should be the other way around." He further believes "almost everyone has pedophile feelings in them. Only the percentage is different, some have more than others."
source: Article 'Dutch Court Says Pedophilia Advocacy Group Martijn Can Continue' by Cíntia Taylor; www.thedailybeast.com/articles/ 2013/04/05/dutch-court-says-pedophilia- advocacy-group-martijn- can-continue.html; The Daily Beast; 5 April 2013