Witchhunters are really witches in Dutch child-sex scare
Witch hunts didn't begin during the Middle Ages, but just after it, and as a direct consequence of the development of printing. Through printed pamphlets, books (such as the famous Witches' Hammer) and early newspapers, the belief in witches spread rapidly through all of Europe, even to America. At the present time it is newspapers, magazines and television, especially the international scandal press, that spreads myths instantaneously to every corner of the world. The difference from the time of the witch trials is only one of degree. Massive belief in the Oude Pekela drama of Whitsunday 1987 was spread by the NOS Journal, the official Dutch government broadcast news service.
source: Article 'Witchhunters Are Really Witches in Dutch Child-Sex Scare' by Peter Hofstede; NAMBLA Bulletin, vol. 10, n. 1; January/February 1989