Bankrupt psychiatry
It was not too long ago that the "experts" were telling us that typical gay men were homosexual because they felt inferior and sexually inadequate to women; that they chose to have sex with men because they were afraid of being unable to perform sexually with women. Now we know that men are gay and want men because that is their nature. It has nothing to do with being inferior or inadequate with women.
Now we are being told that pedophiles want sex with children because they feel inferior and inadequate with other adults; that we are afraid of and have poor relationships with adults. Of course, this is all bullshit, too. I am equal to any other adult on this planet. I get along well with other adults. In fact, I have very positive relationships with all people. I guess that people may describe me as having a "good personality." I have excellent relations with adults. But I truly love children, not adults. And this is my nature and nothing can be done to change it.
source: Letter 'Bankrupt psychiatry' by J.H.; NAMBLA Bulletin, Vol.12, n. 1; January/February 1991