'The media and adults try to ignore sex and cover it up'
While many young stars exploit their sex appeal as a marketing ploy, [Evan Rachel] Wood [17 years old actress] sees it as a tool to explore cultural issues. "I'm not against teenagers exploring their sexuality," she says. "They should be able to find how to use it in the right way and be responsible about it. But I think the media and adults try to ignore sex and cover it up, which just sends wrong messages and makes kids more crazy about it. If the media and adults would just deal with it, kids would realize it could be a beautiful thing." [...]
Born in North Carolina, Wood was 9 when she moved to California with her mother, Sara Lynn Moore, after her parents were divorced. The actress says that Moore, an actress and acting coach, was a "good, strong, feminist mom," who urged her to "be independent and to own my sexuality, to give permission to yourself to be sexy, but to do it for the right reasons and to respect yourself."
source: Article 'Teen dream - Super-talented teen star Evan Rachel Wood heads for the top' by Rebecca Louie; www.nydailynews.com/08-07-2005/front/story/335222p-286012c.html; New York Daily News; 7 August 2005