'Vogue Kids' Magazine accused of publishing sexualized images of children
"Vogue Kids" magazine, distributed this month with "Vogue", was criticized on social networks and accused by an institute for publishing photos of underage girls in sexy poses, dressed in a bikini. In some images, they are lying down with their legs open. [...]
"Often when we think of pedophilia, we imagine a guy hiding behing the computer. But we do not speak of a pedophile culture in which children's image is exploited in a sexualized way", says Renata [Correa, mother and screenwriter]. Attorney Ana Lucia Keunecke, from Artemis (entity that defends woman's rights), says the photos violate articles of the Child and Adolescent Statute.
source: Article < "Vogue Kids" Magazine Accused of Publishing Sexualized Images of Children > by Giovanna Balogh; www1.folha.uol.com.br/internacional/en/brazil/2014/09/1514960-vogue-kids-magazine-accused-of-publishing-sexy-pictures-of-underage-girls.shtml; Folha de S.Paulo; 12 September 2014