12-year-old Australian boy is fighting for the 'right to marry Chris Hemsworth'
A 12-year-old boy is advocating for same-sex marriage in Australia - and he has a dream groom in mind. Max Townes proclaimed his love for Thor actor Chris Hemsworth at a Sydney rally September 10, where he marched for marriage equality. There, he held a sign printed with the compelling argument. "All I want is the right to marry Chris Hemsworth," the sign read. "You’ve got five years until I’m 18 Australia! You too Chris!"
Townes, who identifies as gay, told Gay Star News that he admires the "great jawline" of the Australian actor, who portrays the Norse god in Marvel's Avengers films. However, he's focused about his goals. "I know that I’m not actually going to marry Chris Hemsworth. It was a fun sign to draw attention to a serious matter," he said. "I have LGBTI friends and family and think they should be able to marry if they choose to. I marched for human rights," he said.
source: Article < 12-Year-Old Australian Boy Is Fighting for the 'Right to Marry Chris Hemsworth' > by Daniel Reynolds; www.advocate.com/youth/2017/9/20/12-year-old-australian-boy-fighting-right-marry-chris-hemsworth; Advocate.com; 20 September 2017