Activist faced deadly beating at the hands of prison authorities
It is considered highly unusual for the federal government to charge a person with flight to avoid prosecution when the charges in question are state charges. It appears that [David] Groat [NAMBLA-activist] is being targeted by the federal government because of his political activism [...]
Groat's Massachusetts sex charges were apparently elicited from two boys by police interrogators desperate to get Groat on something, since the collapse of the kidnapping allegations were widely publicized. When he was taken to Plymouth County Jail after being arrested, guards set him up to be attacked by other inmates, and Groat was beaten into unconsciousness and had his front teeth knocked out.
source: Article 'David Groat to Face Flight Charges - Activist faced deadly beating at the hands of prison authorities' by Bill Andriette; NAMBLA Bulletin Vol. 12 No. 6; July-August 1991