Can cartoon child pornography help paedophiles?
What if you could give paedophiles drawings of child pornography to steer their impulses in a safe direction? This controversial proposal has garnered support from the Dutch anti-child pornography lobby: 'We're for everything that helps combat abuse'. [...]
The Dutch pro-paedophile group, Martijn, which pushes for more acceptance of adult-child relationships, dismisses child-pornography cartoons. Chairman Ad van den Berg points out that these sorts of comic books have been around for years and have not proved to be a solution.
Japanese cartoonists lead the way in pornographic work, known as 'hentai', 'manga' and 'shota', in which sex with underage partners is depicted. It appears the proposal would not fall foul of Dutch law. While possession of child pornography is illegal, cartoons would be allowed - as long as the images were not too lifelike.
source: Article 'Can cartoon child pornography help paedophiles?' by 'mw/rk';; Radio Netherlands Worldwide; 20 January 2011