Can child dolls keep pedophiles from offending?
"Being a pedophile is like living with a mask on," Shin Takagi told me, before lighting another cigarette in the midst of a Tokyo cafe. [...] People like Takagi who struggle with pedophilic impulses but have never acted on them have been the subject of much media attention. With a paucity of reliable scientific data about their circumstances and no known medical or psychiatric cure, many of these individuals rely strictly on self-control to avoid acting on their urges. Takagi believes there is another option.
Struggling to reconcile his attraction to children with a conviction that they should be protected, Takagi founded Trottla, a company that produces life-like child sex dolls. For more than a decade, Trottla has shipped anatomically-correct imitations of girls as young as five to clients around the world.
source: Article 'Can Child Dolls Keep Pedophiles from Offending?' by Roc Morin;; The Atlantic; 11 January 2016