Catalan congresswoman sees hope in flower children
Fortyish congresswoman of the Parliament of Catalonia, Anna Gabriel, habitually stuns Spain, a country run in acting capacity by the conservative Popular Party, for her no-holds-barred comments. This time around she says in an interview with Catalunya Radio that she's all for collective child-rearing; that children should be brought up collectively by "the tribe". The tribal concept doesn't give any special importance to biological parents and the nuclear family that, consisting only of parent/s and their few biological children, is "quite poor and doesn't enrich (muy pobre y poco enrequicedora)," according to Gabriel. "Since one wants the best for one's children, and these children are quite small in number, one ends up in a situation that is sometimes perverse," she explains. [...] In the tribal family, you don't get the feeling that only your biological children belong to you. The rest are as much yours as if you were their biological parents.
source: Article 'Catalan congresswoman sees hope in flower children' by Jack Wright;; Guidepost Magazine; 17 May 2016