Court: 12-year-olds can marry under common law
A 15-year-old girl can enter into a valid common-law marriage in Colorado, and the minimum age could be as young as 12 for girls and 14 for boys, the state Court of Appeals ruled Thursday. The court stopped short of setting a minimum age but said under English common law, which Colorado recognizes, common-law marriages could be legal at 12 and 14. For traditional ceremonial marriage, Colorado law sets the minimum age at 18, or at 16 with parental consent or a judge's approval. The ruling said the law specifically does not invalidate common-law marriages. A three-judge panel of the appeals court overturned a lower court judge who said the girl was too young to marry at 15. The girl is now older than 18, the ruling said.
source: Article 'Court: 12-Year-Olds Can Marry Under Common Law - Girls As Young As 12, Boys As Young As 14 Can Marry, Appeals Court Says';;; 15 June 2006