Crisis and renaissance - Theme: the future of boy love
Many of us (man/boy lover) have long felt as if we were in the position of Anne Frank, hiding behind the bookcase - although ours is a closet of the soul, an emotional prison to which we consign ourselves in order to enjoy a profoundly limited and desolate corporeal freedom. We hate to think that it could get worse. But we see in the U.S. an uninterrupted drive toward a 'final solution' for the problem of sex offenses, and the evil not-quite-humans who either have or might commit them.
We already have a growing number of de facto concentration camps for sex offenders, albeit in the guise of hybrids between modern prisons and hospitals. Will it go beyond mass incarceration to mass extermination? This remains to be seen. Things seem destined to get worse before the fever finally breaks and healing can begin.
source: 'Crisis and Renaissance - Theme: the future of boy love' by David Miller (member of the NAMBLA Bulletin collective); Koinos nr. 51; 2006