Do gays have a choice?
For obvious evolutionary reasons, most people are strongly inclined to prefer opposite-sex partners, because such relationships produce children who continue the human race. But a few - probably between 3 and 7 percent of the population - are exclusively attracted to members of the same sex, and many are in the middle. If a person's genes place him or her toward one end of what I call the Sexual Orientation Continuum, he or she almost certainly can never become homosexual [...].
If the genes place the person at the other end of the curve, he or she almost certainly cannot become straight—or at least not a happy straight. But if an individual is somewhere in between, environment can be a major influence, especially when the person is young. Because society strongly favors the straight life, in the vast majority of cases the shift will be toward heterosexuality.
source: Article 'Do Gays Have A Choice? - Science offers a clear and surprising answer to a controversial question' by Robert Epstein;; Scientific American Mind; March 2006