Greens say sorry for past paedophilia ties
The Green Party on Wednesday apologized to victims of sexual abuse for its support of paedophilic groups in the 1980s. "We deeply regret these events that are included in our early party history," Green co-president Simone Peter said at the presentation of a report on the party's past. An election platform from the Alternative Green Initiative List (AGIL), the Green party's predecessor, took on the interests of paedophiles by suggesting that sex with minors should be decriminalised, providing the sex was free from violence or the threat of violence. The document was brought to light during the election of 2013, as it was one of the party's key candidates, Jürgen Tritten, then a student running for city hall, who had cosigned it.
source: Article 'Greens say sorry for past paedophilia ties';; The Local; 12 November 2014