Head of high-tech pedophile ring sentenced as long-term offender
A Lachine man who sexually abused two boys - and later set up a sophisticated computer network through which like-minded pedophiles exchanged information - has been sentenced to an overall prison term of 12 years.
With time served factored in, André Faivre, 71, has a little under four years left to serve on the sentence delivered by Quebec Court Judge Yvan Poulin on Wednesday. [...]
For decades, Faivre was a leader among pedophiles who called themselves Boy Lovers and Girl Lovers. He has now been declared a long-term offender, a designation that allows the parole board to impose surveillance conditions for 10 years after his sentence expires. [...]
Poulin imposed the designation even though two psychiatrists and one criminologist assessed Faivre as a low risk of reoffending. "The evidence reveals that the accused is held back by cognitive distortions that are still anchored within him. He displays a sexually deviant attraction that he rationalized to (the psychiatrists and criminologist). He maintains that he has no intention of separating himself from the Boy-Lover movement, which is deeply worrying," Poulin said as he read from his judgement.
source: Article 'Head of high-tech pedophile ring sentenced as long-term offender' by Paul Cherry; montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/head-of-high-tech-pedophile-ring-sentenced-as-long-term-offender; Montreal Gazette; 5 February 2020