I am truly afraid
Earlier this year I allowed my membership to NAMBLA to discontinue, but not because I no longer wish to support our cause. I didn't renew my subscription because I am afraid - a feeling you all know too well.
I'm sure you are aware of the laws in Nebreska regarding child pornography. While it is obvious that there is nothing remotely pornographic about the Bulletin, I can't help but be a bit paranoid. The Midwest is so utterly conservative, and blindly so.
About six years ago I ordered some mail from Denmark and it was intercepted by Customs in Chicago. I had to sign a document saying I had no knowledge of the content of the material. I was also informed if I did not sign, my name would appear in a Chicago newspaper and I could be convicted. Needless to say they had me either way. Since then I have received more than one enticing mail order sting. I did not respond, but it tells me that my name is on a list. As a result, I'm paranoid about even receiving the Bulletin through the mail, although I enjoy the publication immensely.
It is an unthinkable shame the way most Western societies view intergenerational love. I see it as another sympton of the deep-seated denial that has plagued mankind for generations. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? In other words, the fight is such an uphill battle it seems that progress is almost implausible. I can't imagine any real changes happening within my lifetime.
I spiritually continue to support NAMBLA and perhaps I'll soon get up the guts to again support you openly. I sincerely hope that I am not copping out on you. I am truly afraid. I am a respected social worker. I work with chronic mentally ill adults and so I don't have to deal with my sexuality on the job. I would hate to lose what I have built up for myself through people's blind ignorance.
source: Incoming letter 'Afraid'; Nambla Bulletin, Vol 12, No. 4; May 1991