I'm not quite sure what to make of the central relationship in "Lamb," much less how to feel about it, which is surely a big part of the movie's point. Written, directed by and starring Ross Partridge, and based on the same-titled novel by Bonnie Nadzam, this drama often plays like a modern gloss on "Lolita," but shorn of the sexual elements that make Vladimir Nabokov's novel so endlessly controversial. It's a chaste love story of sorts, about a couple of depressed outsiders who find each other: David Lamb (Partridge), a divorced 47-year old Chicagoan reeling from the death of his father (Ron Burkhart), and 11-year old Tommie (Oona Laurence), who has little use for her sullen and neglectful parents (Scoot McNairy and Lindsay Pulsipher), and seems to spend her days wandering around acting wise beyond her years.
source: Film review 'Lamb' by Matt Zoller Seitz;; Roger Ebert; 8 January 2016