Let's learn from others
Dear Bulletin,
I have been reading the Minor Problems {a now-defunct British-based journal about children's liberation and pedophilia} of yesteryear looking for inspiration and insight. One interesting insight I found was by a writer about the Paedophile Information Exchange {a now-defunct British group}, which I found had a problem that closely resembles NAMBLA's difficulty in securing new leaders. He writes:
"We know we succeeded {in bringing cheer to members} through the use of pretty pictures, lightweight articles, and glossy presentations, but this was an achievement at the expense of missing out on serious analysis of paedophilia... As a result, we completely failed to stimulate any sort of discussions with radical thinkers, who saw us as cozy reformers at best... There is little discussion of the issues except on a personal basis and we allow our time to be absorbed by reaction to offensives against us by police and the gutter press. Even so, some of us are at least realizing the futility of talking to the establishment and beginning to recognize that our own ideas are in need of a shake up as a few radical in influences begin to get through to us. We must not demean our membership by assuming that they will not be able to travel this route along with us." (from "Under the PIEcrust," Minor Problems, October 15, 1983).
We should avoid making the mistakes of past organizations.
source: Letter to the editor 'Let's learn from others' by Chuck Dodson; Nambla Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 7, September 1991