Nordic boys speak out - Youths are liberal towards child sex
Oslo (NTB): 28,6 percent of men between 18 and 20 years says that there is some probability that they could have sex with a child. The question that was asked 700 youths from Oslo in an age from 18 to 20 years was: Would you have sex with a child if you were sure that you won't be discovered or punished for that? 28,6 Percent of the young men answered that there might be a possibility that they could have sex with a child without defining an age.
5,9 Percent answered that they have had sex with a child under 12 years, while 19,1 percent say that they have had sex with a child between 13 and 14 years, TV2 reports. The investigation was done by the Norwegian Institute for Research on Adolescence, Welfare and Age. The background for this research is the fact that young men are responsible for a lot of sexual abuse. It's the first time in the world that youth's attitudes as concerns sex with children are mapped out. The investigation also shows that young men who accept sex with children also make light of rape.
[Title research: Personer som begår seksuelle overgrep mot barn Forståelse, behandling og straff - Subtitle: Kunnskapsstatus og erfaringer fra de nordiske landene - Editor: Svein Mossige]
source: 'Nordic boys speak out - Youths are liberal towards child sex'; 'Fabio' translated this from Nordic into English; 00nov28c_nordic_ boys_speak_out.htm; 24 November 2000