Paedophile group 'Martijn' to be investigated
The Dutch Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into the activities of a paedophile association named Martijn. A spokesperson for the Prosecutor's Office, Ernst Pols, said the authorities want to know all about the group and its members.
Martijn campaigns for the "acceptance of paedophilia" and what it terms "adult-child love relationships". It's also calling for the abolition of the age of sexual consent. "We need to take action now," Mr Pols said. It is not clear how much time the Public Prosecutor's Office will need for its preliminary investigation, which could turn into a criminal one if it finds evidence of criminal activities.
The investigation was launched after members of Martijn expressed support for the suspects in the Amsterdam child sex abuse scandal. [Not true. Members did not support. Only forum-members criticized the witch hunt on pedophiles.] The Martijn association reportedly advertised [Martijn never advertised online] on a website run by the chief suspects in the Amsterdam abuse scandal, Robert Mikelsons and his male spouse. The website, now closed, [Website is not closed, only the forum is closed because it was hacked] featured photos of children in sexual poses [No illegal pictures were on the forum]. It also included links to sites containing explicit child pornography [Not true]. Robert Mikelsons, originally from Latvia, is alleged to have sexually abused dozens of young children in his care at a number of Amsterdam day care centres.
source: 'Paedophile group 'Martijn' to be investigated';; Radio Netherlands Worldwide; 21 December 2010