Paedophilia: a factual report
The children from this material [The 30 subjects in this investigation carried out in 1970 came from all social classes. There ages lay between 22 and 70 years.] experienced sex with adults on the whole as positive (nice, fine, important). Only a single subject had a negative attitude to his youthful experience ('... in my eyes, it was not a normal situation'). Basically, all the subjects sought effection, love and security, and not sex alone. Some defend paedophile relationships as such. Actually, there appeared to be no talk of traumatic influences; rather the opposite was true. It is not the actions themselves, which are usually in the form of caressing or masturbation, that lead to conflicts and problems, but the attitude of society.
source: From the book 'Paedophilia: A factual report' by Dr. F. Bernard; Enclave Rotterdam; 1985