Pedophilia the next sin to be normalized?
An academic book that suggests the moral status of pedophilia is unclear, has some prominent social conservatives saying that we are now on a familiar, troubling path toward normalization of things once considered unthinkable. Prominent defenders of traditional marriage highlighted on their social media pages Sunday a book called Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis by Stephen Kershnar, who is a professor and chair the philosophy department at State University of New York at Fredonia. [...]
Social conservatives have long pointed that redefining marriage amounts to a "slippery slope" and will lead to other previously inconceivable cultural shifts, but are often told that they are being irrationally extreme. In a Monday interview with The Christian Post, Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, said that while he does not believe that pedophilia will be mainstreamed in the next few years, since most American are still repulsed by it, books like Kershnar's indicate yet another dark front in the Left's strategic war on Judeo-Christian moral norms.
source: Article 'Pedophilia the Next Sin to Be Normalized? Professor Questions Whether Adult-Child Sex Is Really Immoral' by Brandon Showalter;; The Christian Post; 9 August 2016