Poet Allen Ginsberg celebrating the love of children
It's never too late to give the full report on a happy news story. Allen Ginsberg, America's best-known living poet, is again quoted as a strong supporter of NAMBLA in the March 26, 1991 issue of The Advocate. The article relates how, in 1983, Time magazine attacked NAMBLA as "a group involved in the systematic exploitation of the weak and immature by the powerful and disturbed." Ginsberg wrote Time that the description "struck me on first reading as a precise characterization of Time's own assault on the mind and body politics."
The article later reports that on June 3, Ginsberg will celebrate his 65th birthday with a poetry reading and a distribution of awards to grade school poets: "a little NAMBLA in action," the good poet tells The Advocate, "celebration the love of children." The poet's 65th birthday, and the love of children, are both worth celebration.
source: Article < Poet Allen Ginsberg - 'Celebrating the Love of Children' >; Nambla Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 8; October 1991