Porn industry attracting teens?
[James Deen (not his real name), porn star:] I have no issues with a fifteen-, sixteen-, seventeen-year-old girl reading my Twitter. I have no issues with anybody that is old enough to understand... Like I understood what porn was and everything when I was like six years old. And I don't think that having knowledge of what it was lead to my decision to be in porn. [...]
[Interviewer/commentator:] And believe it or not, James said he knew he wanted to be a porn star ever since the day he found an old porn magazine, he was just in kindergarten.
[Deen:] So here I am in kindergarten, I just learned what sex was you know it all kinda like made made sense, I don't know. [...]
[Interviewer:] You didn't want to be in porn since kindergarten?
[Deen:] Yes I did wanne be in porn since kindergarten, maybe first grade. It was this weird moment that I will always remember where I was like this is what I want to be when I grow up, I want to do this.
[Interviewer:] Deen was even suspended once for telling a teacher he dreamed of a life in porn. Now he starred in more than 4000 movies.
source: 'Nightline from ABC News: Porn Industry Attracting Teens?';; ABCNews; Uploaded: 2 February 2012