Predatory teenage girls
We read of the British school teacher who ran off with his 15-year-old student, a German politician whose career was ruined by his affair with a 16-year-old and of course Berlusconi with his 'bunga bunga' parties with young girls. These men are animals. Right? Perverts with no moral sense at all. Right? Paedophiles. Right? The girls, innocent victims with no way of knowing that they were being taken advantage of. Right? Well, that's what the media are telling us. But - if I may be the devil's advocate for a moment. Have you met teenage girls? Have you been one? I have and I know that I was fantasizing about sex from about the age of thirteen. It was all my friends and I could talk about and we weren't fantasizing about our pimply, gangly school-boy mates.
source: Article 'Predatory Teenage Girls' by Nikki McWatters;; Huffington Post; 14 December 2012