Pro-'pedophilic' article in school newspaper 1987
Didn't know this: There already was a pro-"pedophilic" article in a school newspaper. Was it the first one in history? 1987 the first issue of the school newspaper with the title "Pflasterstein" (cobblestone) appeared at the Odenwaldschule in Germany. Two years earlier the pederastic principal Gerold Becker had left the school. The German article said roughly translated:
"In Berlin, they're trying to destroy a CDU politician because he's pedophile. (Pedophilia: love / sex with children). Pedophiles today, and even from the left, are considered just as perverted as gays in the Third Reich The so-called heterosexuals can not understand if someone loves children and wants to sleep with them (on a non-violent basis of affection, yes, this exists). And what these heterosexuals can not/do not want to understand is bad, perverted, should be forbidden. As long as Green {left party} lies about explosive topics, as long as they just talk and do nothing, as long as we whistle on them."
Original Quote:
"In Berlin versuchen sie, einen CDU-Politiker fertig zu machen. weil dieser pädophil ist. (Pädophilie: Liebe/Sex zu Kindern). Pädophile werden heute, und auch von den Linken, als gerade so pervers hingestellt, wie Schwule im Dritten Reich. Die sog. Heterosexuellen können nicht verstehen, wenn jemand Kinder liebt und mit ihnen schlafen will (auf gewaltfreier Zuneigungsbasis, jawohl, die gibt es). Und das was diese Heteros nicht verstehen können/wollen ist schlecht, pervers, gehört verboten. Solange sich Grüne an brisanten Themen vorbeilügen, solange sie labern ohne was zu tun, solange pfeifen wir auf sie."
Source: Jürgen Dehmers (2011): "Wie laut soll ich denn noch schreien?" Die Odenwaldschule und der sexuelle Missbrauch. Rohwolt. S. 95
source: 'pro-'pedophilic' article in school newspaper 1987' by Filip30;; BoyChat; 9 January 2019