Scraps from OK 75
News from Absurdistan (1)
Our NAMBLA brothers once more have to take it from behind; not from adorable young chaps, but from insane witch hunters who are accusing them of having incited a couple of men to kill an eleven-year-old boy in Massachusetts a few years ago. The murderers had visited NAMBLA's website and owned a NAMBLA Bulletin. The website, which obviously never advocated or condoned violence, has been taken down by its host. The American Civil Liberties Union, wanting to prevent a possible conviction of NAMBLA from creating a precedent for further infringements upon the rights of American citizens (such as the right to political activism as exercised by NAMBLA), has decided to step in to NAMBLA's defense. We believed the attack on the MARTIJN website by the Hotline Against Child Pornography to be the height of folly...
NAMBLA, the most demonized group in the USA, requests financial aid. From their August newsletter: 'The Internet is too important a medium for us to allow our Web site to be shut down much longer. We are hard at work reestablishing our Internet presence. This may include getting our own server. Any solution will require funds. Basic dues just do not cover the expenses we face.'
NAMBLA * PO Box 174 * Midtown Station * New York NY 10018
News from Absurdistan (2)
In the United Kingdom, a female pediatrician's home was daubed on the outside with the word 'paedo'. Concerned citizens thought 'paediatrician' looked suspiciously much like 'paedophile', and, for safety's sake, decided to assume that it means the same.
P(a)ediatrician or p(a)ediatrist; from p(a)ediatrics; a branch of medicine dealing with children's diseases and hygienic child care.
Oppression is normal, freedom is special
source: 'Scraps from OK 75'; OK Magazine, no. 75; October 2000