The new Jews in America
As a jobless, homeless, separately-marked sub-culture of presumed-to-be sub-humans, the registered sex offenders are, after all, our new American sub-culture of Jews. Which makes those of us who separated them out and marked them as sub-human the new Nazis. You may be indignant, at this point, saying to yourself that registered sex offenders are nothing at all like the Jews in Nazi Germany.
You argue that the Jews were innocent victims of religious prejudice, while the registered sex offenders are convicted criminals. You say that's a huge difference. You say that it's necessary for us to separate the registered sex offenders from our children, in order to protect our children. You may be right. But really? If you believe that it is all right to de-humanize, separate, and mark for like anyone who has ever committed any kind of sex-related crime, then I invite you to go back and review some of the World War II era Nazi propaganda films about why the Jews must be separated from the rest of the German population. According to those films, Jews are dirty, immoral people, who have such unsanitary personal hygiene habits that they have rats running around in their kitchens. According to those films, we must protect our children from being exposed to the filthy habits of the Jews by separating them from the general population. Not long after the negative propaganda about the Jews began, the roving bands of Nazi vigilante thugs began the random beatings. At first, they only beat up the Jews. But later, they beat up anyone who spoke out against the Nazi political agenda. Soon, the German people became afraid to speak out against anything, and the rest is ugly history.
source: Article 'The New Jews In America' by Bob Litchfield (local attorney, author, and Sierra College Instructor);; Auburn Journal; 13 May 2012