Translator arrested for pro-paedophilia demo
Cyril Eugenovich Galaburda, the 32-year-old Ukrainian physics graduate who translated my book Paedophilia: The Radical Case into Russian, and who has been a guest blogger here, was arrested last month soon after he began an extraordinary one-man demonstration outside council buildings in his home city - a demo for which he had been given written permission a week earlier.
At the start of the demo he soon found himself faced with hostility from passersby, one of whom threatened to break his legs.
Officials came out of their workplace to meet Cyril, who handed them a letter to the head of the regional state administration. This was in Dnipro, one of Ukraine’s biggest cities. The letter called for consensual child-adult sexual contacts to be made legal. Cyril said he believed "children have the same right to personal (sexual) life as adults". He claimed the criminal code of Ukraine is unconstitutional and contradicts the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. He also objected to the mooted introduction of a register of paedophiles as unconstitutional.
The police then turned up in considerable numbers after having been alerted by the council, according to press reports. Open TV Media ran the photo you see here. Cyril, holding a poster he designed for the occasion, is seen being confronted by a burly policeman. [...]
source: 'Translator arrested for pro-paedophilia demo' by Tom O'Carroll; Part of Tom's article 'Are we making 'useful idiots' of ourselves?';; Heretic TOC; 7 July 2019