What if we admitted to children that sex is primarily about pleasure?
It's a problem, though, that I've become so comfortable talking with children about sex, because most adults aren't, and we've got a pedophile-panicked culture that just seems to be adding to the great silence. One time my son was out to lunch with a friend and me, and the friend and I were talking about my work on intersex. My son stopped me to ask me to remind him what intersex is. I explained we were talking about people who have a different kind of sex anatomy than the average boy or the average girl. I explained that, for example, some of them have a short penis or a big clitoris. "Oh, right!" he answered. I reminded him of the names of a few friends of ours who are intersex, so he'd remember we were talking about real people. Suddenly I became aware that the tables all around us had gone silent. [...]
And I was off thinking: How funny that we can't bring ourselves to tell our children the most fundamental truth about sex, that most of the time we have sex, we have it for pleasure.
source: Article 'What If We Admitted to Children That Sex Is Primarily About Pleasure?' by Alice Dreger; psmag.com/what-if-we-admitted-to-children-that-sex-is-primarily-about-pleasure-9d3956c38ff5#; Pacific Standard; 16 May 2014