Whatever happened to NAMBLA?
"It will likely be DECADES before this society can have an honest, non-hysterical conversation about kids and sex," a pedophilia advocate who calls himself Eric Tazelaar told me earlier this month over Twitter direct message. Tazelaar claims to be a steering committee member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, and is concerned about the organization's future. His fears aren't unfounded. NAMBLA, once a visible advocate of pedophilia, doesn't feature heavily into what I call the online pedo-sphere these days. Membership numbers and group activities are difficult to pin down, but based on online research and conversations with alleged former members as well as opponents of the group, both appear to have dwindled to nearly nothing.
source: Article 'Whatever Happened to NAMBLA?' by Mike Pearl; www.vice.com/read/whatever-happened-to-nambla; VICE | Unites States; 24 March 2016