Why was George Nader allowed into the White House?
A political operative who frequented the White House in the early days of President Trump's administration, George Nader, was indicted in 1985 on charges of importing to the United States obscene material, including photos of nude boys "engaged in a variety of sexual acts," according to publicly available court records. Nader pleaded not guilty, and the charges against him were ultimately dismissed several months after evidence seized from Nader's home was thrown out on procedural grounds. "Mr. Nader vigorously denies the allegations now, as he did then," a lawyer representing Nader said.
source: Article 'Why Was George Nader Allowed Into the White House?' by Natasha Bertrand; www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/03/an-operative-with-trump-ties-was-once-indicted-on-an-obscenity-charge/555233/; The Atlantic; 8 March 2018