World's youngest grandmaster
In April 2004, 13-year-old Magnus Carlsen of Norway, participating in the Dubai Open, made his final Grandmaster norm with a performance of 2678. This makes him the youngest Grandmaster in the World. A few weeks before Dubai Magnus had played in a rapid chess tournament in Reyjavik, where he faced Garry Kasparov in the first round of the knockout. Showing no respect for the best player of all time Magnus had Kasparov on the ropes in game one. In the first game Kasparov escaped with a draw, in the second he won. It is typical for his ambition, self-confidence and maturity when Magnus said in his interview "I was not at all happy with ½ - 1½ against Kasparov in the rapid chess game: I should have won as White. As black I played like a child!"
source: 'World's Youngest Grandmaster'; NAMBLA Bulletin Vol. 25 No. 1; March 2005