Young Brazilian girl argues...
...that pedophilia is fine and that age of consent should be reformed. Her channel has two news reports of girls in relationships with older boys who were convicted. But all girls in the reports claimed that the older boys didn't abuse them. Noteworthy is a third news report in which a 13-year-old girl admitted to planting a kiss on her female teacher, denying that the teacher was the seducing party and that shes going to wait until the teacher serves her sentence, so they can be together again. she claims true love.
The youtuber in charge of the account has three videos of herself arguing and showing her face. Because she shows her true self and because shes a girl, she receives less hate than Epifania Passageira, who also defends pedophilia, but is an anonymous male.
[The video: < 'Idade de consentimento', minha opinião! > by PensamentoCrítico (13 years old); - Posted: 29 October 2016]
source: Post 'young brazilian girl argues...' by 'Apertado';; BoyChat; 11 May 2018